∕ Ⅰ∧ıˈbreıʃ(ə)n ∕Noun:
an apparent or real oscillation of the moon, by which parts near the edge of the disc that are often not visible from the earth sometimes come into view.
Libration 1 (View 1)
Libration 1 (View 2)
Libration 1 (View 3)
Libration 1 (View 4)
Libration 2 (View 1)
Libration 2 (View 2)
Libration 2 (View 3)
Libration 2 (View 4)
Libration 3
Libration 4 (View 1)
Libration 4 (View 2)
Libration 4 (View 3)
Libration 5 (View 1)
Libration 5 (View 2)
Libration 5 (View 3)
Libration 5 (View 4)
Libration 6 (View 1)
Libration 6 (View 2)
Libration 7 (View 1)
Libration 7 (View 2)
Coming Home series
A place where something flourishes, is most typically found, or from which it originates.